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Basketball Games Captain Ball Iii

( Basketball, Handball, Kickball, Team Wars and Battle, Volleyball )

This form of Captain Ball is the most strenuous of any as freer mass play is encouraged among the guards and there are fewer restrictions in the form of play batting and hitting the ball being allowed which are fouls in other forms of the game. The method of punishing fouls is optional and should be determined before the game begins. The ground is divided somewhat differently than in other forms of the game by a neutral space between the two fields where the ball is tossed for sides. The ball scores both for completing a circle and being caught by a captain but not for catching from one baseman to another as in II. The captain is stationed in the center instead of in the circumference of the circle as in I and II.

GROUND.–The ground is divided into two equal parts by a neutral strip about three feet wide through the center. In each half are marked five or more bases in the form of small circles from two to five feet in diameter (or rectangles) outlining part of a large circle or square open toward the center. In the center of each half is marked a small circle or base for the captain. The interest of the game may be enhanced by placing a springboard in the captains base on which he should stand.

TEAMS.–The players are divided into two equal teams consisting each of (1) a captain (2) a baseman for each base in the outer circle (3) guards. There should be one less guard on each team than the number of players in its outer circle. For instance for five basemen as in the diagram there should be four guards. The guards belonging to a team are stationed in the opponents field and generally begin the game lined up near the neutral territory that runs through the center of the ground. As the game progresses the guards may scatter in any way that they choose. There are no center runners or fielders in this form of the game as in some others An umpire is desirable and a scorer and referee are needed for skillful teams.

OBJECTS OF GAME.–The objects of the game are (1) for the ball to be thrown and caught around the complete circle of basemen (2) for the outer basemen to throw the ball to their captain in the center the guards trying (1) to intercept the ball before it can complete a circle (2) to prevent it being caught by the captain and (3) to secure possession of the ball and send it to the basemen in their own (the opposite) field.

START.–The ball is put in play in the center of the neutral strip by an umpire or referee. He tosses the ball and the guards from both sides try to gain possession of it. For this purpose the guards may run anywhere they choose being permitted on the neutral territory but as soon as possession of the ball is decided the guards must return to their respective fields and may not again leave them until the ball is again put in play. To touch the ball does not give a guard possession of it he must hold it in both hands. In case of dispute the referee should again toss the ball. When a guard has secured possession of the ball he and the other guards return to their home fields and the one having the ball throws it to one of his basemen in the opposite field. The ball is put in play from the center after every point scored and after it goes afield.

RULES.–The guards are not allowed to step within the bases they may not cross the boundary lines into the neutral territory except when the ball is being put in play. Basemen may not step outside of their bases even with one foot. Should the captain in catching a ball step over his base the catch does not score but if this be with only one foot he has the privilege of throwing the ball to one of his basemen without interference from the guards. A throw from a guard in the opposite field to his own captain does not score. Kicking or striking a ball out of a players hands is allowable. In trying to block a throw guards may not touch basemen nor step within the bases. Guards will naturally be very watchful of the center as successful catches by the captain score.

FOULS.–Transgression of any of the previous rules constitutes a foul penalized by giving the ball to the opposite side or by allowing them to score one point. Which of these two methods is to prevail during a game should be decided before the game starts.

SCORE.–One point is scored for a team every time that the captain catches a ball thrown by one of his basemen. One point is scored for a team whenever the ball is thrown from base to base successively until it completes an uninterrupted circle. Fouls may score or not as explained under “Fouls.” After every point scored the ball is returned to the umpire and put again in play.

The game is played in two halves of fifteen or twenty minutes each with a rest of five or ten minutes between the halves. Teams change sides at the beginning of the second half but they do not change players that is guards do not become basemen and vice versa as in some other forms of this game.

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