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Call and Response Games My Ladys Lap Dog

( Call and Response, Memory, Singing and Song )

My ladys lapdog.
Two plump partridges and my ladys lapdog.
Three great elephants two plump partridges and my ladys lapdog.
Four Persian cherry trees three great elephants etc.
Five Limerick oysters four Persian cherry trees etc.
Six bottles of Frontignac five Limerick oysters etc.
Seven swans a swimming six bottles of Frontignac etc.
Eight flip flap floating fly boats seven swans etc.
Nine merchants going to Bagdad eight flip flap etc.
Ten Italian dancing masters going to teach ten Arabian magpies how to dance nine merchants going to Bagdad etc.
Eleven guests going to celebrate the marriage of the Princess Baldroubadour with the Prince of Terra del Fuego ten Italian dancing masters going to teach ten Arabian magpies etc.
Twelve triumphant trumpeters triumphantly trumpeting the tragical tradition of Telemachus eleven guests going to celebrate the marriage etc.

The players sit in a circle the one who is leader turns to the next player and says “My ladys lapdog.” This player turns to the one next him and repeats the phrase which is thus handed around the circle. When it gets back to the leader the leader turns to his neighbor and adds an item to that previously mentioned saying “Two plump partridges and my ladys lapdog.” This goes around the circle when the leader says “Three great elephants two plump partridges and my ladys lapdog ” and so on adding each time different items according to the formula given above. Any player failing to repeat the list correctly pays a forfeit.

VARIATION.–For younger players the following list may be found better —

A big fat hen.
Two ducks and a big fat hen.
Three wild geese two ducks and a big fat hen.
Four plump partridges three wild geese two ducks etc.
Five pouting pigeons four plump partridges three etc.
Six long-legged cranes five pouting pigeons etc.
Seven green parrots six long-legged cranes etc.
Eight screeching owls seven green parrots six long-legged etc.
Nine ugly black turkey buzzards eight screeching owls etc.
Ten thousand domesticated chimney swallows nine ugly black turkey buzzards eight screeching owls etc.

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