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Choreographed Games Tag The Wall Relay

( Choreographed, Command and Response, Running, Tag )

The players should all be seated an even number in each row of seats. At a signal the last player in each line runs forward and tags the front wall. As soon as this player is out of the aisle the others all move backward one seat. This leaves the front seat vacant and the runner having touched the wall returns immediately and takes this vacant front seat. As the player sits he raises his hand which is a signal for the player who is now the last one in the line to run forward the line moving backward one place as soon as he is out of the aisle. He in turn having touched the wall takes the vacant front seat. The play is continued in this way until every one in the row has run.

The line wins whose player sitting at the start in the front seat first returns to his seat.

As in all schoolroom games where there is running the seated players should be very careful to keep their feet under the desks so there will be nothing in the aisles over which the runners may trip.

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