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Relay Race Games Double Relay Races

( Relay Race, Running, Team Wars and Battle )

First two rows (Nos. 1 to 14) stand in aisle II and give way to rear to starting point. Third row (Nos. 15 to 21) stand in aisle III march forward and around to right into aisle I bringing entire 21 pupils into formation as indicated for Team A on diagram. Fifth and sixth rows (Nos. 22 to 35) stand in aisle VI and give way to rear to starting point. Fourth row (Nos. 36 to 42) stand in aisle V march forward and around to left into aisle VII bringing entire team Nos. 22 to 42 into formation as indicated for Team B on diagram.

FIRST RELAY At commands “Ready go ” Nos. 1 and 22 the two leaders of the two teams walk to wall in front of them at W/A and W/B touch the wall return down aisles III and V respectively and continue up aisle IV to teachers desk. When the two leaders 1 and 22 touch the wall Nos. 2 and 23 start at the “exchange points ” X and X 1 and 2 touch left hands across desks and 22 and 23 touch right hands across desks. At the starting point 1 touches left hand of 3 who starts as soon as touched 22 touches right hand of 24 who also starts as soon as touched so on to the last of each team who finish the game by touching the desks where the leaders started. Both teams then “about face” and march back Team A through aisles III II and I and Team B through aisles V VI and VII when they are ready for the next relay.

SECOND RELAY Same as First Relay but this time running.

THIRD RELAY Same as Second Relay but this time each leader starts with an eraser if in the schoolroom or a dumb-bell in playground in his hand and gives it to the next pupil at “exchange point ” each successive pupil repeating the exchange at that point. The third and succeeding pupils must wait at each starting point until “touched” before starting.

FOURTH RELAY Same as Third Relay except that a handkerchief knotted once in the middle is substituted for the eraser with which each leader starts.

FIFTH RELAY Same as Fourth Relay except that the leader of each team and the pupil behind him each have an eraser (or dumb-bell) and when meeting at “exchange points ” exchange erasers the leaders giving the second erasers to the pupils on the starting points and so on.

SIXTH RELAY Same as Fifth Relay except that two handkerchiefs are used instead of two erasers.

SEVENTH RELAY Same as Sixth Relay except that the handkerchiefs may be thrown and caught instead of being handed or passed to the next pupil.

CAUTIONS The value of these games lies in two things i.e. in the fact that after the first two pupils of each team have started and the game is really under way there are four pupils on each team actually in motion and the game moves so fast that each member of each team has little time to do anything besides attending strictly to the game if his team is to have any chance to make a good showing he must be constantly on the alert. The second and still more important valuable feature of the games lies in the constant exercise of inhibition . Therefore there should be absolutely no “coaching” except by the teacher during training care should be taken in the First Relay to see that all children actually walk no running when hands are to be touched they must be touched when erasers or handkerchiefs are dropped they must be picked up by the ones who dropped them before proceeding with the game if to be exchanged they must be exchanged.

The intermingling of the two teams in aisle IV does not affect the game in the least. A division of the class into three teams may be made if desired and if there be sufficient aisles. These games are suitable for boys or girls or mixed classes.

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