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Basketball Games Wall Ball Drill

( Basketball, Choreographed, Handball, Kickball, Physical Contest, Volleyball )

This drill consists in throwing a ball against a wall and catching it with the following variations. It may be used for individual play or for competition between two players or as a game for large numbers. When used for large numbers the players should be divided into several teams of equal numbers each player throwing in turn for as many feats as he can perform without failure each successful feat or play scoring one point for his team. He gives place to the next player upon failing.

Each play should be first performed by allowing the ball to bounce once on the ground before catching it later it should be caught without the bound.

1. Throw the ball against the wall let it bounce once and catch it repeat this three times.
2. Throw and clap hands three times before catching.
3. Throw and twirl the hands around each other before catching.
4. Throw and clap hands and touch the right shoulder.
5. Throw clap hands and touch the left shoulder.
6. Throw three times with the right hand and catch with the same hand.
7. Throw three times with the left hand and catch with the same hand.
8. Throw with the right hand and catch with the right with the palm downward (knuckles up “dog snack” fashion).
9. Throw with the left hand and catch with the left in the same manner as in 8.
10. Throw clap the hands touch the right knee and catch.
11. Throw clap the hands touch the left knee and catch.
12. Throw the ball clap the hands in front behind in front again and catch the ball.
13. Throw lift the right knee clap the hands under it and catch.
14. Throw lift the left knee clap the hands under and catch.
15. Throw turn around and catch.

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